ScrOG method: all information and step-by-step instructions

The abbreviation ScroG stands for “Screen of Green” and is THE cultivation method for maximum yield in the smallest of spaces. Compared to SoG (“Sea of Green”), you only need a few plants, which you trim for efficiency with a clever combination of training and pruning. The ScrOG method is therefore the premier class, especially for discreet indoor growing in a mini grow box or grow tent, and with a little care, guarantees your growing success. In the following, we will tell you everything you need to know to make the most of your growing space in the future and provide you with step-by-step, detailed ScrOG instructions! If you use the ScrOG method in our grow box, please also read our growing instructions.


What is Screen of Green (ScrOG)?

With the ScrOG method, you can bring the growth of your plants into a horizontal position at the right time with the help of a ScrOG growing grid or a net. The mesh is used to intertwine the branches sideways so that further shoots can grow from below and, over time, dense, uniform growth is created over the entire surface – the screen of green. It is important that intertwining is carried out as early as possible in the growth phase. (2-3 weeks after germination). Weaving too late, e.g. in the flowering phase, significantly reduces the yield of ScrOG. Position the SCROG mesh as close as possible above the pot (approx. 7 – 15 centimeters). Aggressively limit the height of the plant during the growth phase. This means you don’t have to tie the plant down later in the flowering phase. If you are the owner of a Bonsanto Mini Grow Box, please refer to our Bonsanto growing instructions.

Grafik ScrOG Methode Pflanzenwuchs mit und ohne Anbaugitter

Controlled growth at the same height offers the decisive advantage that all shoots are at the height of the optimum light yield. This allows you to utilize the entire scattering surface of the light when ScrOGging. Instead of harvesting just one single head and lots of popcorn buds, you can look forward to a large number of tidy colas with ScrOG!

Why is ScrOG advantageous in the Bonsanto case?

The SroOG method allows you to grow plants up to 1.80 m tall in the Bonsanto grow box case. Despite the limited space, with ScrOG you are able to grow large plants and achieve a high-yielding harvest. By bending the plants under the SCROG grid, their growth is limited in height. This enables efficient low stress training and uniform exposure, resulting in optimal use of space and improved plant growth. You can find the right ScrOG grid for your Bonsanto case in our store under “Accessories” or here.

ScrOG-Grow - what prior knowledge do I need?

Although the ScrOG method is definitely something for advanced growers, with our ScrOG instructions and a Bonsanto mini grow box or a Bonsanto grow tent from our store, even beginners will become successful ScrOGgers in no time! If you use our grow box for your grow, be sure to read our growing instructions here. In preparation, in addition to purchasing the material, for example in a complete set, you should only familiarize yourself with topping and lollipopping – two (simple) techniques for pruning your plants that you will need to control the growth of your plant. Topping involves cutting off the tips of the plant’s main stem. This allows two flowers to develop instead of just one. Topping therefore supports bushy plant growth. Lollipopping, on the other hand, focuses on the growth of large buds. With this method, you cut off the flowers after two weeks of flowering. You only leave the flowers on the top branches. This allows you to keep your ScrOG clean and improves the air flow through your plant.

Pruning (high stress training) and braiding through the SCROG trellis (low stress training) are associated with stress for the plant, so you should opt for resistant varieties. We generally advise against pruning your plant in a Mini Grow Box. Weaving in your plant is perfectly sufficient in the small space of a Mini Grow Box,

Scrog Anleitung

Number of plants

The ScrOG method tends to rely on a small number of plants. As these grow in width, it is important to give the individual plants space in the ScrOG and not to place too many plants next to each other.

Plant varieties

The ScrOG method is particularly suitable for plant varieties that grow strongly towards the light. As space in the Mini Grow Box is limited when growing indoors, it is advantageous for these plants to stimulate growth in width using ScrOG. Plants that grow strongly towards the light are sativa varieties, for example. These varieties are also easy to weave through the ScrOG mesh. Indica varieties, on the other hand, are less suitable for the ScrOG method. These plant species have brittle branches and broad leaves, which is why they can be damaged when weaving through the ScrOG mesh.

Scrog Grow


We recommend using a watering rod to water your ScrOG plant, as the wide ScrOG canopy can make watering with a watering can difficult. If you use a watering rod, make sure that you can distribute the water well in the pot.

ScrOG instructions step by step: Here's how!

Once you have decided on your strains and have all the material you need for the ScrOG method, you can get started with the help of our Screen-Of-Green instructions. Prepare your grow by positioning one or two plants in the grow box or more plants in the tent, depending on the size of your ScrOG. Take another look at our growing instructions for Bonsanto grow boxes here.

The right ScrOG grid or net

For an impressive screen of green, the cultivation grid used is essential. If you have a Bonsanto Mini Grow Box or one of our tents, you can find suitable ScrOG grow nets either as a complete set or as an accessory in the store. Of course, you can also build a net or wire mesh yourself. Make sure that the mesh size of the ScrOG grid is around 5 cm. This mesh width is necessary so that the flowers of your plant are not injured and crushed during ScrOG.

What you still need

  • Bonsanto mini grow box or grow tent, ideally in a complete set
  • Pre-fertilized grow soil
  • LED lamps
  • Ventilation system and activated carbon exhaust filter
  • Plastic or fabric pots (approx. 3 liter capacity)
    Seeds or cuttings for 1 – 5 plants (depending on the growing area)
  • optional: automatic irrigation system, CO² bags, reflective foil for light amplification and distribution
    optional if you use a Bonsanto grow box:
  • Read the Bonsanto growing instructions

The vegetation phase

During the growth phase, which lasts around 2 to 3 weeks depending on the variety with exposure times of 18 hours a day, your plants will reach the right height for weaving in as part of the ScrOG method. With a growth height of 10 – 15 cm, position the ScrOG grid as far down as possible (7-15 centimetres above the plant pot). Use the growth phase to tie down/braid your plant. The plant will forgive you this low stress training at this stage. Now switch the lighting to 12 h with regular seeds. The plant will need 2 weeks with ScrOG to fully switch to flower growth. You can also use this time again to slightly “tie down or braid”. After that, the plant should be left alone if possible.

If you use automatic varieties, leave the exposure time at 18 hours. Here too, early tying down at the start of the growth phase is essential.

The flowering phase

At the beginning of the flowering phase, the shoots of each plant will grow considerably taller so that you can continue braiding using the ScrOG method as soon as a flower grows through the mesh or netting. Proceed with caution and take care not to bend the shoot if possible. Don’t worry: if it does happen, the plant will survive thanks to the ideal conditions in the Bonsanto Mini Grow Box or tent. You can also tuck large leaves slightly under the trellis during ScrOG so that they do not cast a shadow on the flowers.

As described above, leave the plant alone for 2-3 weeks after the start of the flowering phase.v

The harvest

Depending on the variety, you can harvest the fruits of your labor with the ScrOG method in the form of fat, juicy colas and put them into the drying process. Harvesting the plants is also much easier with ScrOGging than with SOG-Grows due to the horizontal, clean cultivation.

Does tying down the plant harm the ScrOG?

During the vegetation phase, the plant can be trained using a low stress technique. This involves tying down plant branches. Tying down does not harm the plant during the growth phase of ScrOG, as the plant is very robust at this stage. However, you should definitely avoid this method from the flowering stage onwards, as the plant will no longer be able to recover from being tied down.

Conclusion: The ScrOG hype is justified

As you can see, the ScrOG method is the ideal balancing act between a small cultivation area and maximum yield in indoor growing. With the right equipment, every grow is a success – with Bonsanto even without time-consuming measurement of temperature, humidity and pH value and without changing lamps between the growth and flowering phases. Simply connect the complete set to the power supply and you’re ready to ScrOGgen!

We have summarized the many advantages and few disadvantages of ScrOG for you:

Scrog Methode - Gelbe Blumen werden durch das Scrog Gitter von Bonsanto gelenkt


  • optimum use of space
  • Maximum light yield
  • only a few plants required
  • maximum yield
  • high quality
  • time saving during harvest


  • slightly longer growth phase
  • more labor-intensive growth phase

Do you still have questions?

As enthusiastic growers and providers of innovative solutions for discreet cultivation, it is important to us to help all other enthusiasts achieve their personal growing success. If you grow in our Bonsanto Mini Grow Box, you can also find out more here. Otherwise, you can proceed as described above. If you use one of our Bonsanto grow boxes and our Bonsanto components, you have the advantage of not needing a PH meter, EC meter, temperature or humidity meter. This saves you work and makes growing easier!

We will not only provide you with our ScrOG instructions here, but will also be happy to answer any questions you may have – not just about the ScrOG method. Just let us know what you want to know and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible! Feel free to use the comment function and let us know if you liked the blog article – your Bonsanto team
