Proper fermentation – coffee shop quality

Would you like to achieve a mild and flavorful smoking experience? Do it like a pro and resort to fermentation or curing. This method helps you to significantly increase and improve the quality and taste of your harvest. You’ll experience a unique taste sensation – just like in a coffee shop. You can find out how to ferment your flowers properly below.

Before you can start fermenting, you first need to grow your plant successfully. You can find out how to do this in the Bonsanto Mini Grow Box in our growing instructions.


But what does proper fermentation mean?

Fermentation describes the controlled storage and curing of your harvest. The fermentation process should take at least two weeks, but can also take several months. When fermented properly, the non-psychoactive THC in your harvest is converted into psychoactive THC, which leads to a more intense smoking experience. Furthermore, the substance chlorophyll is broken down, which prevents scratching when smoking.

Why should you ferment?

Fermenting correctly has many advantages. The fact that your buds are completely dried inside through fermentation increases the storage time of your harvest. Fermented buds can be stored for longer than non-fermented buds, without the risk of mold growth. Properly fermented buds also have a higher quality, a more intense taste and a milder smoking experience.

Grow fermentieren Luftfeuchtigkeit

How does fermentation work properly?

Furthermore, if you want your seeds to germinate, it is important that the soil is not wet, but moist. If the soil is too wet, this can cause the seeds to rot. A spray can is best for moistening the soil

Before you can start fermenting, you need to dry your buds as usual for three to seven days. To ferment properly, you only need two items: a container, preferably a sealable jar (e.g. the Miron storage container from Bonsanto) and a hygrometer to measure the humidity.

Fill your container up to ¾ full with the flowers and add the hygrometer. You can then seal the jar airtight. In order for your harvest to start curing, the humidity in the container must be between 60-65%. Therefore, check the hygrometer regularly and act accordingly. If the humidity is lower than 55%, the jar should remain closed for 1-2 hours. If the humidity is higher than 65%, you need to open the jar for a while until the humidity is back in the optimal range for proper fermentation.

To better regulate the humidity, you can also use the Bovenda Hygro-Pack from Bonsanto, as this bag can release or absorb water vapor depending on the humidity.

Questions about fermenting properly?

If you have any questions regarding the correct fermentation of your harvest, please feel free to contact us. You can find all information about growing in the Bonsanto grow box in our instructions.

richtig fermentieren