Harvest like a Pro – Instructions and Tips

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced grower, harvest time is a crucial and important moment in the growing process. Successful harvesting requires thorough preparation and knowledge of best practices.

In this blog post, we will provide a detailed guide to harvesting and share helpful tips to ensure you achieve a bountiful harvest.

If you are growing in the Bonsanto Growbox, be sure to check out our our “Bonsanto Growing Guide” for more information.

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The Right Harvest Time for Indoor Growing

The harvest time for your favorite plant depends on several factors. Generally, this is determined by the start of the flowering phase and the specific strain you’re growing. Information on the length of the flowering period can often be found on the seed packaging.

Trichomes: The resin glands (or trichomes) of the plant can also indicate when it’s time to harvest. Using a magnifying glass, observe the trichomes. When they appear milky and amber, it’s a sign the plant is ready for harvest. Once about 80% of the trichomes have turned amber, you can begin harvesting.

Pistils: The white hairs (pistils) on the buds also signal harvest time by browning and receding. Harvest should begin when around 40-75% of the pistils have changed color.

The timing of your harvest can also depend on your desired smoking experience. Harvesting early results in a more energetic effect, while a late harvest offers a more relaxing experience. The THC content is typically at its peak when 40-70% of the pistils have darkened.

Flushing Before Harvest

Many growers prefer to flush their plants before harvest to remove any residual fertilizers from the soil, improving the taste of the final product. This process involves using pH-neutral water to cleanse the plant’s roots. The amount of water needed depends on the pot size, but generally, it’s recommended to use three times the pot’s volume for flushing.

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Step-by-Step Harvest Guide

Once you’ve determined that your plant is mature and it’s time to harvest, you can begin with these steps:

Cutting the Plant: Carefully cut the plant at the main stem to avoid damaging the buds and to preserve their quality.

Removing Leaves: Remove the surrounding leaves, which can be saved for making other products later. Since the buds will be too moist to smoke, the next step is drying. Some growers prefer to dry the whole plant before trimming the leaves.

Drying: Hang the buds (or the entire plant, depending on your preference) in a well-ventilated, dry room. You can use a drying case, such as Bonsanto’s drying box, for this process. Ensure that the buds have enough space and adequate airflow to prevent mold growth. The drying period depends on the moisture content of the buds and typically takes 9-14 days. To check dryness, use the stem bend test—if the stem doesn’t snap, the buds need more drying time. When the stem breaks, the buds are sufficiently dried.

After drying, the buds are ready to smoke. However, many growers prefer to cure their buds to enhance the flavor and aroma. For more information on proper curing, check out our blog post on “How to Cure Buds.”

Storing: Proper storage is essential to maintain the quality of your dried or cured buds. Store them in a cool, dry, and dark place.

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To grow aromatic buds, it’s helpful to remove the leaves from the buds—a process called trimming. You can either dry-trim or wet-trim your buds.

Dry Trimming: This method is popular among many growers and is done after the buds are dried but before they are cured. A major benefit of dry trimming is that it slows down the drying process, which can improve bud quality. Additionally, dried buds are less sticky, making trimming easier. This method is ideal for those seeking a more intense smoking experience.

Wet Trimming: This is done before the plant is hung up to dry. Wet trimming speeds up the drying process, requires less space, and reduces the risk of mold.


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Tips for a successful harvest

  • Use clean tools and maintain clean work surfaces.
  • Monitor the trichomes and pistils to determine the perfect harvest time.
  • Handle the buds with care and avoid cutting them.
  • Flush your plant before harvest for better taste.
  • The slower the drying process, the better the flavor.
  • Use trimming leftovers for making other products.
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