How to germinate seeds

Only if you germinate your seeds successfully can you guarantee a high-yield harvest. We explain how to germinate your cannabis seeds in the following instructions.

If you want to know how to grow the germinated seeds in the Bonsanto Mini Grow Box, take a look at our growing instructions here. The use of Bonsanto components allows you to grow easily. You don’t need a PH meter, EC meter, temperature or humidity meter as you would with a grow without Bonsanto components and accessories.


What is seed germination?

During germination, a white sprout emerges from the seed, which breaks through the seed wall. The hemp seed contains important nutrients for the cannabis plant as well as its genetic material.

Which seeds are best for germination?

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You can only tell whether your purchased seeds are of good or poor quality during the vegetative growth and flowering phase. However, you can check the color of your seeds in advance. The darker a seed is, the better it will germinate.

How long is the germination time?

The germination time of your seeds can vary depending on the chosen germination method and germination field. When your seeds can be planted in the grow medium ultimately depends on the length of the white roots. The seeds should be planted when they are 2 to 5 mm long.

If you want to grow indoors, e.g. in our Bonsanto Mini Grow Box, you can germinate your seeds regardless of the time of year.

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What are important factors for seed germination?

To avoid mistakes when germinating seeds, it is important to pay attention to the three factors of temperature, humidity and light.

Temperature factor:

For hemp seeds to germinate, the temperature should be between 21 and 25 degrees Celsius.

Moisture factor:

Furthermore, if you want your seeds to germinate, it is important that the soil is not wet, but moist. If the soil is too wet, this can cause the seeds to rot. A spray can is best suited for moistening the soil.

The light factor:

Darkness is best for your seeds during the germination phase. After planting the cannabis seeds in the grow medium, the right lighting is important. As a light source, we recommend an LED lamp, such as the LED full spectrum lamp from Bonsanto, as young plants are not yet able to process high-intensity light.

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Three methods for seed germination

There are various ways to germinate seeds. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your preference and the age and variety of your seeds, you can choose one of the following three options.

Method 1 - Germination in kitchen paper

The kitchen paper method is a simple and popular way to germinate seeds. Here you germinate your seeds with the help of moistened kitchen paper. The advantage of this method is that damaged seeds can be quickly identified and disposed of.

Moisten the kitchen roll with water and then place it on a plate. You can then place your seeds on the moistened kitchen roll using a spoon or tweezers. Make sure that the seeds are a few centimetres apart so that they do not interfere with each other and get in each other’s way during rooting. Then cover the seeds with a second, moistened paper towel. Next, cover everything with a bowl so that the seeds can germinate in darkness and humidity.

After around 1 to 4 days, white shoots should be visible on your seeds. Now you can plant the seeds in the soil or in another grow medium using tweezers. You can read more about planting the seeds in the Mini Grow Box and the subsequent steps here.

Method 2 - Germination in a glass of water

This method is simple and therefore very popular with novice growers. However, it is the least effective compared to the other two methods. However, it is particularly suitable for old seeds, as they require a lot of moisture.

With this fast germination method, you throw the seeds into a glass of cold water for around 24 hours. The seeds usually start germinating after just 24 hours. When the white roots are about 2 to 5 mm long, you can plant the seeds in your preferred grow medium. As with the kitchen paper method, you should be careful not to touch the seeds with your fingers

Method 3 - Germination in the grow medium

The third way to germinate your seeds is to put them directly into the grow medium.

Make a hole 1 centimeter deep in the soil. Place the seeds in this hole and cover them with loose soil. You should then moisten the soil. After about 5 to 10 days, you should be able to see the sprouts of the seeds on the surface of the soil. Then it is important to start with the right lighting. If you are still looking for the best grow medium for you, take a look at our blog post on “Best grow box”.

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You should avoid these mistakes when germinating seeds:

There are a few mistakes that are often made and should be avoided at all costs when germinating seeds.

In general, it is important to give the seeds a rest and to touch them as little as possible. Avoid pushing your seeds back and forth unnecessarily. Avoid impatience! Although the average germination time is only 12 to 36 hours, it can sometimes take 2 to 3 weeks for some seeds. Last but not least, avoid overwatering the soil.

If you follow our instructions, nothing should stand in the way of seed germination!

If you want to know what to do after germinating the seeds and how to plant them in the soil, check out our instructions here. The Bonsanto grow boxes allow for super easy indoor growing without much prior knowledge and are therefore also suitable for grow beginners. Therefore, you can save yourself the trouble of reading through a lot of theoretical knowledge if you follow the growing instructions.

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