Growing hemp indoors – how to grow cannabis indoors

You can grow hemp not only outdoors, but also within your own four walls. Cannabis is a resilient plant. It can grow outdoors, in a grow room, in your room or on your windowsill. Below you can find out how to grow hemp indoors, where you can grow hemp in your room and what factors you should consider when growing indoors.


Why grow hemp indoors?

If you want to grow cannabis indoors, you have the advantage that you can better control the individual cultivation components. Indoors, you can grow your cannabis plant regardless of the weather and climate. You also have better options in your room to protect your hemp plant from the eyes of others.

Hanf anbauen indoor anfänger
Cannabis anbau indoor

Where to grow hemp indoors?

It is important that you think about where exactly you would like to grow. There are two factors that are important when growing hemp indoors: Light and privacy.

Ideally, you should grow where your crop is protected from the view of others and where you have control over the cultivation. In the room, it is a good idea to grow in unused rooms or cupboards. Growing hemp near doors and passageways is rather unsuitable. Rooms facing south can get very hot in summer, which is why they are also not a suitable place to grow.

Hanf anbauen im Zimmer

Window sill extension

When growing cannabis indoors, the windowsill is not really a good place for a grow, as it offers no privacy. However, as almost everyone has a windowsill at home and doesn’t want to invest in a grow box or grow tent, there are ways to achieve a successful windowsill grow. If you don’t want to spend a lot of money and are happy with a smaller harvest, this is a good grow alternative for you. When growing on a windowsill, it is important that your plant is in a window where it is well supplied with light. Once you have found a spot, make sure that your plant is not in your neighbors’ field of vision. It is also advisable to consider an autoflowering plant for such a grow, as it automatically switches to the flowering phase and the change is not affected by a shortened light cycle. Choose the largest possible pot that will fit on your windowsill. The bigger the pot, the better!

Hanf anbauen im Zimmer - richtig growen indoor
Hanf Anbauen im Zimmer ohne Growbox

Growing hemp in a grow box

When growing cannabis indoors, you can purchase a grow box. This has the advantage that your cannabis plant is protected from the eyes of others and you have more control over the growth of your plant than with a windowsill grow, for example. You can also adjust the temperature, ventilation and light perfectly to the needs of your cannabis plant. The Bonsanto grow boxes contain all the components you need for a successful grow. The case design of the boxes makes your cultivation inconspicuous. The box is rollable and can therefore be easily moved back and forth in your room or apartment. You can also place the grow box in your cupboard. If you use a Bonsanto grow box to grow hemp indoors, your grow remains a secret.

Growing hemp in a grow tent

Many growers like to use a grow tent for growing hemp indoors. These are also available to buy from Bonsanto. Growing in a grow tent is not quite as inconspicuous as growing in the Bonsanto suitcases, but still has the advantage that the growing conditions in the tent can be perfectly adjusted and controlled to your grow. Grow tents often offer more space so that you can grow several plants at the same time. They can also be hidden away in cupboards and unused rooms.

What are important factors when growing hemp indoors?

There are several factors that are important for indoor cannabis cultivation and a successful grow. If you set the respective factors correctly, you can create an optimal environment for growing your cannabis plant. If you grow hemp in a grow box or grow tent, you can control the factors and adjust them so that they are suitable for the growth of your plant.

If you are using one of our Bonsanto grow boxes for your cannabis grow, read the growing instructions on the Bonsanto website to find out how growing in one of our grow boxes works. The Bonsanto components are coordinated in such a way that you do not need any measuring equipment for your grow. Nevertheless, it may be interesting for you to learn the theory about the necessary growing conditions. You can find out more about this below.


When growing cannabis indoors, your cannabis plant needs at least 12 hours of light per day. When growing in a grow box or grow tent, you can control the exposure time using a timer.

There are certain lamps that are particularly suitable for growing cannabis. LED lights are best for growing cannabis indoors. They are characterized by low heat production. This is important for growing hemp, as the plant can burn if the temperature is too high. LEDs are also quieter than conventional lamps. So even though you are growing your cannabis plant indoors, you will not be disturbed by loud noises. Furthermore, LED lights have a complete light spectrum, which means you don’t have to worry about annoying lamp changes at different stages of growth. You can use an LED grow light throughout the entire cultivation process. LEDs are also energy-saving and save you from a high electricity bill.

A full spectrum LED plant lamp is included with the Bonsanto mini grow boxes. This LED lamp is long-lasting and is suitable for every cannabis strain and every growth phase. If you do not have a Bonsanto grow box, you can also purchase an LED plant lamp separately in our store.

If you want to use the light from your lamp efficiently, you can equip your grow box with a Bonsanto reflective foil. The reflective foil provides your plant with more light so that it can grow faster and more efficiently.


For your cannabis plant to grow successfully, you need to ensure optimal climate conditions in your room, grow box or grow tent. The temperature should remain constant throughout the entire grow. Cannabis is a resilient plant, but can freeze in the cold and burn in the heat. If the temperature is not set optimally, this hinders healthy plant growth. When growing cannabis indoors, the optimum temperature can be set with the help of fans, air conditioning systems and heaters. As a general rule, the optimum temperature for a grow should be between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius.

If you use a Bonsanto grow box to grow hemp indoors, you do not need a thermometer to measure the temperature. The grow box is self-regulating and the Bonsanto components are coordinated in such a way that no measuring devices are required for the grow. Simply use the included fan to circulate the air in the box. The full-spectrum LED lamp is designed so that it does not emit too much heat and protects the plant from burns.

Hanf anbauen im Zimmer - marihuana anpflanzen indoor


Cannabis plants need to be well ventilated for healthy growth. When growing cannabis indoors, you must ensure that your plant is supplied with sufficient air. If you are growing cannabis on a windowsill, you should open the window regularly to ventilate the room. If you are growing in a grow box or grow tent, circulating air is very important to prevent mold growth and pest infestation. Fresh air is also essential for the photosynthesis process. Grow boxes and grow tents should therefore be equipped with ventilation slits. A fan is also necessary to distribute the air in the grow room.

The Bonsanto grow boxes are supplied with a fan. You also have the option of buying CO2 bags in the Bonsanto Shop, which you can hang in the grow box to promote faster plant growth by providing oxygen and fresh air in the box.

gras indoor anbauen
hanfzucht indoor

Air humidity

When growing cannabis indoors, it is important to ensure a balanced humidity level in the grow environment. This allows your cannabis plant to grow free of mold. Seedlings prefer a higher humidity (approx. 60-70%). During vegetative growth, the humidity can be lowered slightly. At the end of the growth phase and during flowering, the humidity should be below 50%.

If you have a Bonsanto grow box, you’re in luck! You don’t need to measure the humidity, as the Bonsanto components are self-regulating. You can find out everything you need to know about growing in a grow box in the Bonsanto growing instructions.


Hemp needs some nutrients to grow. When growing hemp indoors, you should make sure to use nutrient-rich grow soil. Standard soil from DIY stores is not suitable for growing cannabis, as this soil does not have enough nutrients and can contain pests. You can add more nutrients to your cannabis plant with the help of fertilizers. In the Bonsanto Shop you will find organic premium soil and fertilizer that you can use for growing hemp indoors.


Water is not only important for the process of photosynthesis, but also serves as a nutrient transporter and supports the temperature regulation of the cannabis plant. When growing cannabis indoors, you should always water your plant when about 1-2 cm of the soil surface is dry. How much water your plant needs depends on the pot size. Divide the water into portions and gradually pour it evenly into the pot. Avoid overwatering and underwatering your cannabis plant. If you want to learn more about watering cannabis properly, check out our blog post “Watering plants – All about proper watering” on our website.

If you are using a Bonsanto grow box, follow our growing instructions when watering. There you can find out how watering works in the Bonsanto Mini Growbox.

Cannabis im Zimmer anbauen

What are the indoor cannabis growth phases?

When growing cannabis indoors, there are three different growth phases.

The beginning of your grow is germination. During germination, a white sprout emerges from the seed, which breaks through the seed wall. You can germinate your seeds in different ways. Depending on your preference, you can choose between the kitchen paper method, the water glass method or the grow medium method. You can find out more about this in our blog article “Germinating seeds”. If you want to germinate your seeds in the Bonsanto grow box, read our growing instructions. There we explain how germination works in the grow box we offer.

Germination is followed by the growth phase. During this phase, 18 hours of light exposure is recommended when growing hemp indoors. As the name suggests, this phase is characterized by the growth of your hemp plant. Indoors, this phase can last 4-8 weeks.

If you reduce the exposure time from 18 hours to 12 hours when growing hemp indoors, you will send your plant into the flowering phase. During this phase, the aromas develop and the plants begin to flower. The buds become thicker and the trichomes turn amber.

Cannabispflanze in der Wohnung

Overview Growing hemp indoors

The advantage of indoor cultivation is that you can better control the growing environment of your cannabis plant. Grow boxes or grow tents are suitable for growing cannabis indoors. A windowsill grow can be a cost-effective alternative. In contrast to outdoor growing, you can better control indoor lighting, air supply, irrigation, temperature and nutrients. The grow boxes and grow tents from Bonsanto contain coordinated and self-regulating components so that you can start growing as soon as you receive the box. Simply according to the motto: Plug and Grow! For more information, you can read our Bonsanto growing instructions.

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What our growers say

Hallo! Die Bonsanto Growbox ist das perfekte Set-up, um eigene Pflanzen zu züchten! Ich bin total begeistert. Ich denke die Bilder sprechen für sich. Eine echte Empfehlung.

Olivia W. Grow Forum

Ich bin seit neustem im Homegrowing aktiv und habe mein neues Hobby gefunden. Das Growzelt von Bonsanto hat definitiv einen großen Teil dazu beigetragen, weshalb ich meine Erfahrung mit euch teilen wollte. Schaut euch meine Cannabis-Pflanzen an! Wenn das mal nicht gut aussieht.

GanjaGardener Grow Forum
Hanf anbauen im Zimmer - richtig growen indoor