Germinating hemp seeds Instructions

One of the most important first steps of a successful grow and a high-yielding harvest is the germination of cannabis seeds. In this cannabis seed germination guide, we explain everything you need to know about growing cannabis.

If you want to know how to grow the germinated seeds in one of our grow boxes, read the growing instructions on our website.


What does hemp seed germination mean?

Before we move on to the hemp seed germination guide, you should understand exactly what germination means. During germination, a white sprout emerges from the seed, which breaks through the seed wall. The hemp seed contains important nutrients for the cannabis plant as well as its genetic material.

Which hemp seeds are best for germination?

You can only tell whether your purchased seeds are of good or poor quality during the vegetative growth phase and the flowering phase. This is quite late and often leads to disappointment when growing. However, you can check the color of your cannabis seeds before germination. The darker the color of the seeds, the higher the chances of successful germination.

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When to germinate hemp seeds?

If you want to germinate your cannabis seeds outdoors, you must do so in spring. If you want to grow indoors, e.g. in the Bonsanto Mini Grow Box, you can germinate your cannabis seeds regardless of the season.

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How long is the germination time?

The germination time of your cannabis seeds can vary depending on the chosen germination method and germination field. On average, a germination time of 12 to 36 hours is assumed. When your cannabis seeds can be planted in the grow medium ultimately depends on the length of the white roots of your seeds. The seeds should be planted at a length of 2 to 5 mm.

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What are important factors for hemp seed germination?

To avoid mistakes when germinating cannabis seeds, it is important to pay attention to the factors of temperature, humidity and light. In the following part of our cannabis seed germination guide, you will learn more about the necessary germination environment.

Temperature factor

For hemp seeds to germinate, the temperature should be between 21 and 25 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is within this range, germination can be initiated. In general, the higher the temperature, the faster the seeds germinate. However, if the temperature is above 26 degrees Celsius, the cannabis seeds will not germinate at all.

Moisture factor

Furthermore, if you want to germinate your cannabis seeds, it is important that the humidity of the germination environment is between 70 and 90 % and that the soil is moist, not wet. Make sure that the soil is moist at all times. If the soil is too wet, this can lead to the seeds rotting, as the cannabis seeds can no longer absorb enough oxygen in wet soil. A spray can filled with water is best suited for moistening the soil.

The light factor

Darkness is best for your cannabis seeds during the germination phase. After planting the cannabis seeds in the grow medium, the right lighting is important. As a light source, we recommend an LED lamp, such as the LED full spectrum lamp from Bonsanto, as young plants are not yet able to process high-intensity light.

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Hemp seed germination instructions - 3 methods:

In the following cannabis seed germination guide, we explain various ways in which you can germinate your cannabis seeds. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Depending on your preference and the age and variety of your seeds, you can choose one of the following three options.

Method 1 - Germination in kitchen paper

The kitchen paper method is a simple and popular way to germinate hemp seeds. Here you germinate your hemp seeds using moistened kitchen paper. Alternatively, you can also use cotton pads instead of kitchen paper. The advantage of this method is that damaged seeds can be quickly identified and disposed of.

Moisten the kitchen roll with water and then place it on a plate. You can then place your seeds on the moistened kitchen roll using a spoon or tweezers. Make sure that the seeds are a few centimetres apart so that they do not interfere with each other and get in each other’s way during rooting. Then cover the seeds with a second, moistened paper towel. In general, make sure that there are no dry or wet spots on the paper towel. Both can hinder hemp seed germination. Next, cover everything with a tray so that the cannabis seeds can germinate in darkness and humidity. Every now and then you can check whether the paper towels are still moist enough; if this is not the case, they should be moistened again.

After about 1 to 4 days, white shoots should be visible on your cannabis seeds. Now you can plant the seeds in the soil or in another grow medium using tweezers.

Method 2 - Germination in a glass of water

This method is simple and therefore very popular with novice growers. However, it is the least effective compared to the other two methods. However, it is particularly suitable for old cannabis seeds, as they require a lot of moisture.

With this quick germination method, the cannabis seeds are thrown into a glass of cold water for around 24 hours. Cold water is particularly important here, as it is richer in oxygen, which supports the germination process of the seeds. The seeds normally start to germinate after just 24 hours. When the white roots are around 2 to 5 mm long, you can plant them in your preferred grow medium. As with the kitchen paper method, you should be careful not to touch the cannabis seeds with your fingers. Instead, use tweezers or a spoon when placing the seeds in or removing them from the jar.

Method 3 - Germination in the grow medium

The third and most gentle way to germinate your cannabis seeds is to put the seeds directly into the grow medium. This means you don’t have to move the seeds around when they are at a sensitive stage, as with the water jar and kitchen paper method.

If your grow medium consists of soil, make a hole 5 mm to 1 centimeter deep. Place the seeds in this hole and cover it with loose soil. You should then moisten the soil. If you want to increase the humidity in the pot so that your cannabis seeds germinate faster, you can stretch a plastic sheet with small holes over the pot. After about 5 to 10 days, you should be able to see the sprouts of the seeds on the surface of the soil. Then it is important to start with the right lighting.

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What mistakes to avoid when germinating hemp seeds?

There are a few mistakes that are often made and should be avoided at all costs when germinating cannabis seeds.

As mentioned in the previous section, it is important not to touch the seeds with your fingers and to use a spoon or tweezers instead. In general, it is important to give the seeds a rest and to touch and move them back and forth as little as possible.

Avoid impatience! Although the average germination time is only 12 to 36 hours, with some cannabis seeds it can take a good 2 to 3 weeks for the white root to form on the seeds or for the shoot to appear on the surface of the soil. Avoid the mistake of digging up the plants and practice patience instead.

Last but not least, avoid overwatering the soil.

If you follow our hemp seed germination guide, nothing will stand in the way of germination! You can find more information on growing germinated seeds in the Bonsanto grow box in our growing instructions.

Hanfsamen keimen lassen Anleitung - So kannst du deine Cannabis samen keimen lassen