CO2 Generator Grow – With Generator to Grow Success

To survive, we humans need oxygen, plants need CO2. CO2 is a colourless gas that is naturally present in the air. So if you grow indoors or in a grow box, you need to provide fresh air and an adequate supply of CO2 for your favourite plant to grow healthily. A CO2 generator grow can be a good solution for this. Here you can find out how much CO2 your plant needs, what the advantages of a CO2 generator are, how the Bonsanto CO2 generator works and how you can use it.

The Bonsanto CO2 Generator will be available in our shop starting Summer 2023!

Table of contents

Why is CO2 Important for Plant Growth?

If you want to get the most out of your plants, you can’t overlook CO2. Without carbon dioxide (CO2), plants cannot perform photosynthesis. When your plants undergo photosynthesis, they produce sugar and oxygen. The sugar is essential for the growth of your plants. To ensure healthy growth, it’s crucial to provide your plants with sufficient CO2.

Especially when growing indoors or in a grow box, it’s vital to ensure that your plants receive enough CO2. An increase in the surrounding CO2 concentration can significantly enhance their growth capability. High CO2 levels in the air can lead to a bountiful harvest.

How Much CO2 Does Your Favorite Plant Need?

Growers measure the CO2 concentration in the air in parts per million (ppm). The amount of CO2 your plants need depends on various factors, including plant species and growth stage. Generally, a CO2 concentration of around 350-1500 ppm in the air supports optimal plant growth. When growing indoors, the ppm value is often on the lower end of this optimal range, so it’s essential to boost it with a CO2 bag or a CO2 generator. However, be careful not to exceed 1500 ppm, as this can waste resources and negatively impact healthy plant growth.

CO2 Generator Grow für gesundes Pflanzenwachstum

What is a CO2 Generator?

The purpose of a CO2 generator is to produce CO2 and release it into the environment to increase the CO2 concentration in the air. There are various types of CO2 generators. Some draw CO2 from a gas tank or another source, while the Bonsanto CO2 generator utilizes CO2 in tablet form.

Why is a CO2 Generator Useful for Indoor Growing?

As mentioned earlier, plants need CO2 to grow. Therefore, it is especially important for indoor growing to increase the CO2 concentration in the air deliberately. A CO2 generator can help with this. Typically, indoor CO2 levels are lower than those outdoors, making the supply of CO2 and fresh air essential for healthy plant growth.

Using a CO2 generator allows your plants to absorb more CO2, resulting in higher and better-quality yields. This is particularly beneficial if you are growing in a grow tent or box.

Advantages of a CO2 Generator

Using a CO2 generator has several benefits. Here’s a quick overview:

  • Healthy Plant Growth: A CO2 generator can enhance the growth of your plants. Higher CO2 concentrations lead to faster growth and larger flowers.
  • Reduced Growing Time: Faster plant growth results in shorter growing times and higher productivity.
  • Bountiful Harvest: Healthy growth and large flowers can lead to a fruitful harvest.
  • Less Fertilizer Needed: When your plants receive sufficient CO2, they can absorb more nutrients, potentially reducing the need for fertilizers.
Indoor Anbau CO2 Generator

Bonsanto CO2 Generator Grow

The Bonsanto CO2 Generator Grow will be available in our shop starting Summer 2023. Its compact design saves space while producing a significant amount of CO2. It operates on a battery, is mounted in your grow box or tent, and is filled with CO2 tablets. A timer ensures regular CO2 release into the air. Additionally, our generator operates without microorganisms or the processing of germs, making it much easier to use.

Advantages of the Bonsanto CO2 Generator Compared to a CO2 Bag

To increase CO2 concentration in your grow box, you can either use a CO2 bag or a CO2 generator. A CO2 bag reliably supplies CO2 to your plants, but the Bonsanto CO2 generator has a significant advantage. It provides continuous CO2 supply over a long period and is more cost-effective in the long run compared to CO2 bags. The tablets required for the Bonsanto CO2 generator are cheaper for continuous operation than the bags.

How to Use the Bonsanto CO2 Generator Grow

Using the Bonsanto CO2 Generator Grow is straightforward. Open the generator and fill it with about 100-300 ml of water. Then, hang it in your grow box. The generator operates automatically and can be controlled with a timer, releasing high amounts of CO2 into the air several times a day. The CO2 accumulates in the grow space and can be absorbed by your plants. An activated carbon filter will eventually transport the CO2 outside, after which the generator releases another portion of carbon dioxide.

Since CO2 is heavier than air, position the generator at the top of your grow tent or box. You can also place it at the bottom but should use a circulation fan to distribute the CO2 evenly for optimal absorption by your plants.

Using a timer allows you to control CO2 fertilization, ensuring your plants are adequately supplied while keeping the CO2 concentration within optimal limits.

It is essential to use the CO2 generator alongside a fan and an activated carbon filter. The Bonsanto grow box or tent includes a fan and filter, which can also be purchased separately from our shop. The fan and filter ensure proper ventilation and air circulation in your grow room, preventing CO2 buildup in one area, which is critical for healthy plant growth.


CO2 Generator von Bonsanto Indoor Grow

CO2 Generator Grow Overview:

  • Plants require CO2 to survive and grow.
  • It is crucial to monitor CO2 concentration during indoor growing.
  • The optimal CO2 level is around 350-1500 ppm.
  • A CO2 generator produces CO2 and continuously releases it into the environment.
  • Such a generator promotes rapid and healthy plant growth, leading to a bountiful harvest.
  • In the long run, the Bonsanto generator is more cost-effective than using CO2 bags.
  • The Bonsanto CO2 Generator Grow is easy to use.
  • It operates on a battery and is filled with CO2 tablets.
  • The Bonsanto generator is compact and efficient.
  • Using a timer, it releases CO2 at regular intervals, supporting healthy plant growth.
  • If you want to further accelerate your plant’s growth, check out our reflective foil!

CO2 Generator Grow