Cannabis light: the right hemp lighting

Your plant cannot grow without light, so in this blog post you will learn everything about the important topic of “cannabis light”. If you light your cannabis plant correctly, it can grow healthily and nothing stands in the way of a high-yield harvest. Here you can find out why cannabis needs light, what you should consider when choosing the right lighting, the advantages of LED lamps and why our Bonsanto grow lamps are a good choice for your grow.


Why does cannabis need light?

Like all plants, cannabis needs light for the important process of photosynthesis. In this process, light energy is converted into chemical energy, which is essential for the growth and development of the plant. Without sufficient light, cannabis plants cannot produce nutrients and therefore cannot form new cells, which leads to inhibited growth and weakened health.

In addition, light also has an influence on other important aspects of cannabis cultivation. Light intensity and duration can affect the cannabinoid and terpene content of the flowers, which in turn can affect the quality and medicinal benefits of the plant.

Warum braucht Cannabis Licht

What to consider with cannabis light?

When growing cannabis, there are a few aspects that you should consider with regard to lighting.

The right light spectrum: Your cannabis needs different light spectrums during different growth phases. In the vegetative phase, your plant prefers blue light, while in the flowering phase it needs red light. By adapting the light spectra to the respective growth phase, you can promote healthy growth and optimal flower formation.

The right light intensity: Light intensity is a decisive factor that influences plant growth. Too little light can lead to long, sparse growth, while too much light can cause burns and impair plant growth. It is important that you find the right balance to ensure the healthy development of your cannabis plants.

Lighting time and dark phase: Cannabis also needs a sufficient dark phase to recover and carry out important processes such as the production of hormones and enzymes. During the vegetative phase, 18 hours of light and 6 hours of darkness are normally recommended. In the flowering phase, a switch to 12 hours of light and 12 hours of darkness is necessary to stimulate flower formation.

Efficient lighting systems: There are various lighting systems available for cannabis cultivation, including LED lamps, high-intensity discharge (HID) sodium lamps and fluorescent lamps. LED lamps are becoming increasingly popular due to their energy efficiency, longevity and the ability to customize the light spectrum.

Avoiding light stress: Too abrupt changes in lighting can lead to light stress, which impairs plant growth and inhibits the formation of flowers. It is important to introduce changes in lighting gradually to minimize such stress.

Hanf richtige Beleuchtung Indoor Grow

What are the advantages of LED lamps?

LED lights have proven to be one of the most popular and efficient lighting options for cannabis cultivation. They offer a variety of benefits that make them an ideal choice for growers.

LED lights are extremely energy efficient and use less power compared to traditional lighting systems such as high-intensity discharge (HID) sodium lamps or fluorescent lights. This allows you to lower your energy costs and reduce your environmental footprint.

One of the biggest advantages of LED lamps for cannabis cultivation is their ability to adapt the light spectrum to the needs of the plants at different stages of growth. With special full-spectrum LEDs, growers can provide both blue light for the vegetative phase and red light for the flowering phase.

Compared to traditional lighting systems, LED lamps generate less heat. This reduces the risk of burns to your plants and allows for better control of the room temperature in the growing environment. LED lamps also have a long service life and generally last much longer than conventional lighting systems. This reduces maintenance costs and the need for frequent lamp changes. LED lamps are also compact and can be used in narrow spaces, enabling optimum use of space. They are also ideal for growing in small, confined spaces such as grow tents or cabinets.

When selecting LED lamps for cannabis cultivation, it is important to choose high-quality and reliable products from reputable manufacturers. It is best to choose an LED lamp that has been specially developed for cannabis growing.

Cannabis Indoor Grow -Vorteile von LED Lampen

Cannabis under- or overexposure

If cannabis plants are overexposed or underexposed, this can have a negative impact on their growth and health. You should therefore avoid this at all costs.


Too much light can lead to burns on the leaves of your plant, manifested by yellow or brown spots on the tips of the leaves. This often happens when plants are placed too close to the light source or the light intensity is too high. Overexposure can put the plants under stress, which can lead to growth retardation and generally weakened health. Plants cannot recover efficiently from the effects of intense light. In addition, overexposure can impair the plants’ ability to absorb nutrients. This can lead to nutrient deficiencies and deficiency symptoms in your plant.


Cannabis plants that don’t get enough light often grow longer and taller as they try to stretch towards the light to get more of it. This leads to weak and thin stems. Under-lighting can also delay or reduce flowering, or the plants may not receive enough light to move into the flowering phase.

How to maximize light yield in indoor growing?

There is an easy way to maximize the light output of your grow light. Simply equip your grow box or grow tent with a reflective foil.

A reflective foil ensures that the incident light is better reflected by the plants. This increases the light yield and more light reaches the lower and side areas of the plants, which normally receive less light. The use of reflective film helps to distribute the light evenly over the entire cultivation area. This reduces shadow areas and minimizes the risk of over- or underexposed areas, resulting in even plant growth.

In addition, reflective sheeting is a relatively inexpensive way to improve light efficiency compared to other lighting options. It is a simple and effective way to make the most of available light sources. By making better use of light, growers may be able to reduce lighting intensity or shorten lighting duration without compromising plant health and growth. This can lead to energy savings and lower operating costs.

The reflective films from Bonsanto have a reflective strength of 90%, are UV and water resistant and are easy to apply and remove. Our films are pre-cut and are therefore perfect for the Bonsanto grow box cases M, L and XL. You can also find a suitable reflective film for our grow tents in our store.

Reflektionsfolie Lichtausbeute maximieren

Bonsanto Grow Lamps

If you are still looking for a suitable grow lamp, take a look at our Bonsanto LED lamps. These are energy-efficient, long-lasting and cover a full light spectrum, so you don’t have to worry about changing lamps and you can use them throughout the entire growing process to cultivate your cannabis plant.

Cannabis light - Overview

  • Cannabis needs light for the photosynthesis process and for healthy plant growth
  • Pay attention to the right light spectrum and the right light intensity when growing
  • It is best to use a full-spectrum lamp for growing to avoid annoying lamp changes
  • We recommend using LED lamps for growing cannabis, as they are long-lasting and energy-efficient
  • Avoid underexposure and overexposure so as not to harm your plant
Cannabis Licht