Balcony cannabis cultivation – How to grow on a balcony

You don’t have much space in your home, but you do have a balcony? Would you like to enjoy the benefits of growing outdoors, but don’t have a garden? Or would you like to grow inexpensively without a lot of equipment? Then a balcony cannabis grow could be just the thing for you! Balcony growing is not complicated and is even suitable for grow beginners. Nevertheless, there are a few points you should pay attention to when growing cannabis on your balcony. You can find out what these are in this blog post.


When is balcony cannabis cultivation a good alternative?

There are many reasons why growing on a balcony is a good alternative to indoor or garden grows. Maybe you live in a country where cannabis cultivation is legal, or maybe you are lucky and your balcony is protected from prying neighbors. In either case, a balcony grow is a great way to grow your own cannabis plants. Compared to your garden or other outdoor areas, balconies are usually better protected from the weather. If you compare balcony growing with indoor growing, the advantage of a balcony is that you can use natural sunlight and rainwater to feed your plant. This saves you costs. You also don’t have to worry about the ventilation of your plant when growing on a balcony.

What are the advantages of growing cannabis on a balcony?

As already mentioned, balcony cannabis cultivation has the advantage of being cheaper than an indoor grow, as you save on ventilation, irrigation and lighting costs. Therefore, you don’t need a lot of equipment and save on upfront investment. Due to the small growing area, it is also unlikely that you will have to weed, unlike when growing in the garden. In short, growing on a balcony has the advantage of being a simple, time-saving and cost-effective grow method.

Cannabis Anbau Balkon - Hanfanbau Outdoor

Which plants are suitable for balcony cannabis cultivation?

As you have no control over weather conditions and environmental influences when growing on a balcony, autoflowering strains should be used for growing cannabis on a balcony. Since autoflowering plants can grow independently of light and dark phases, they are more weather-independent than other plant species and are therefore best suited for outdoor growing. They are less sensitive and can tolerate temperature fluctuations and colder climates. In addition, autoflowers are usually smaller than other strains and can therefore be grown more discreetly on your balcony.

Which cannabis strain is best suited to your balcony also depends on where you live. If you live in a colder climate zone with a short summer, autoflowers and indica plants are best suited for your balcony grow. If you live in a southern country with high temperatures, you can opt for sativa varieties.

When can you grow hemp on the balcony?

The right time to grow also depends primarily on where you live. In northern countries such as Germany, for example, you should start your balcony grow in early spring. This gives the plants enough time to grow and they can start flowering at the beginning of fall. In general, you can say that balcony cannabis cultivation should be started in spring and finished in fall.

Cannabis Balkon Geruch

What should you look out for when growing cannabis on the balcony?

There are a few points you should pay attention to when growing cannabis on your balcony. These include choosing the right pot size and grow soil, positioning your cannabis plant on your balcony and eliminating the smell of cannabis.

Pot size

As you grow your plant in a pot when growing cannabis on a balcony, you should make sure that the pot is the right size. This has an influence on the growth of your plant and therefore also on the harvest. If you choose a small pot, your plant will not grow as tall as in a large pot. Therefore, the larger the pot, the taller the plant will grow. Of course, you can decide for yourself how big you want your plant to grow. Also make sure that your pot has holes at the bottom so that excess water can drain away and the roots of your cannabis plant don’t drown. Don’t forget a pot saucer! This will catch any water that runs off.

Positioning the hemp plant

When considering where to best position your cannabis plant on your balcony, pay attention to two important aspects.

Firstly, you should make sure that your plant is protected from the view of your neighbors as much as possible. There are various ways in which you can make your cultivation inconspicuous. For example, cover your balcony railing, cover your cannabis plant with a suitable net or decorate your balcony with other types of plants or artificial plants. Plants that you can easily grow next to your cannabis plants include mint, basil or marigolds.

The second aspect relates to the weather conditions that your hemp plant will be exposed to on your balcony. Place the plant where it is most likely to be protected from heavy rain, storms and wind. Too much rain will drown your cannabis plant, while strong winds can damage the plant’s branches and leaves. Since cannabis needs a lot of light, especially during the seedling and growth phase, position your plant on the balcony where it will receive the most light. At least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day are recommended for a balcony grow.

But what if you can’t find a place where your plant gets enough light and is still protected from the wind and weather? No problem! Place your plant where it will get enough light. Move the plant pot to a sheltered spot when the weather changes.

Plant soil

When choosing the right soil for your cannabis cultivation balcony, the same applies as indoors. Buy a plant soil that has been specially developed for cannabis plants. Standard soil from DIY stores is not suitable as it can damage the growth of your cannabis plant. Good grow soil is nutrient-rich, organic, loose and dark in color. If you are still looking for a suitable soil for your balcony grow, take a look at our premium soil in the Bonsanto Shop. The right fertilizer should also not be neglected when growing cannabis on the balcony.


Everyone knows the smell of cannabis, which is particularly strong during the plant’s flowering phase. Since you cannot use an activated carbon filter on your balcony to prevent odors, you should make sure that your balcony is sufficiently ventilated by wind. Growing other types of plants that give off a strong scent can also mask the smell of your cannabis.

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Hanf Anbau Balkon - Growerde für den Balkon-Grow
Cannabis Anbauen Balkon

Cannabis cultivation balcony in the Bonsanto grow box

If you want to protect your cannabis plant from the wind and weather and the eyes of the neighbors, but still want to take advantage of outdoor growing, there is another alternative for balcony growing. Simply use our Bonsanto Outdoor Grow Box or the Bonsanto Mini Grow Box XS. Both grow boxes have been specially developed for outdoor growing. The advantage is that the boxes are inexpensive to purchase and the plants in the grow boxes are supplied with natural sunlight. This saves you electricity costs. The blurred glass of both grow boxes enables inconspicuous cultivation and also protects your plant from the weather and rain. This way, you can easily avoid the disadvantages of outdoor growing. If you wish, you can operate both grow boxes with the Bonsanto activated charcoal filter. You can connect this to the power bank included in the scope of delivery. As the filter will neutralize odours, you don’t need wind to prevent odours.

Want to grow cannabis on your balcony?

Then discover our Bonsanto grow boxes now.

The most important facts at a glance

  • Growing on a balcony is inexpensive and does not require a lot of equipment
  • Autoflowers are best suited for balcony growing
  • In most cases, cultivation takes place from spring to fall
  • The larger the pot, the taller the plant grows
  • Protect your plant from the eyes of others
  • Place the cannabis plant in a place protected from wind and rain
  • Ensure maximum light supply through sunlight
  • Use organic, nutrient-rich and airy grow soil
  • Cover the smell of cannabis from wind and the cultivation of other plant species
  • The Bonsanto Outdoor Grow Box and the
  • Bonsanto Mini Grow Box XS allow you to grow inconspicuously and inexpensively on a balcony

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Hallo! Die Bonsanto Growbox ist das perfekte Set-up, um eigene Pflanzen zu züchten! Ich bin total begeistert. Ich denke die Bilder sprechen für sich. Eine echte Empfehlung.

Olivia W. Grow Forum

Ich bin seit neustem im Homegrowing aktiv und habe mein neues Hobby gefunden. Das Growzelt von Bonsanto hat definitiv einen großen Teil dazu beigetragen, weshalb ich meine Erfahrung mit euch teilen wollte. Schaut euch meine Cannabis-Pflanzen an! Wenn das mal nicht gut aussieht.

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Cannabis Anbau Balkon - So funktioniert der Balkon-Grow