Automatic Seeds: The Autoflower Grow

The Automatic Seeds grow is becoming increasingly popular with both experienced and inexperienced growers. Why is that? Quite simply, autoflowering plants flower on their own without having to be manually induced to flower.

In this blog post, we will explain the advantages of automatic seeds and give you valuable tips and information for a successful autoflower grow. Whether you’re an experienced grower looking for new challenges or just starting out in the world of cannabis cultivation, you’ve come to the right place if you want to learn more about automatic seeds!

Nevertheless, we would like to point out that we generally recommend feminized seeds for growing in a Bonsanto Mini Grow Box. There is a simple reason for this: you can achieve better results with feminized seeds than with autoflowers.


What are automatic seeds?

Automatic seeds, also known as autoflower seeds or autoflowering seeds, are cannabis seeds that start flowering automatically. Unlike other cannabis seeds, automatic seeds enter the flowering phase automatically, regardless of the light cycle. The seeds are therefore characterized by easy cultivation, which is why they are particularly popular with novice growers.

This automatic flowering is achieved through the genetic combination of Cannabis ruderalis, a wild-growing and autoflowering cannabis strain, with Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica. This cross allows growers to combine the autoflowering trait with other characteristics such as flavor and resin production.

Automatic seeds have simplified the growing of cannabis for hobby gardeners. As the seeds flower regardless of the light period, they can be grown at any time of year, both indoors and outdoors. Autoflowers also have a faster growth and flowering time compared to regular seeds, which means that the plants are usually ready for harvest more quickly.

Was sind Automatic Seeds

Automatic seeds vs. regular cannabis seeds?

There are several differences between Automatic Seeds and other cannabis seeds.

The main difference lies in the flowering time. Regular cannabis seeds need a certain number of hours of light to transition from the vegetative phase to the flowering phase. This usually happens when you reduce the light duration from 18 hours to 12 hours per day when growing indoors. Automatic seeds, on the other hand, flower automatically, regardless of the light duration. They enter the flowering phase after a certain number of weeks, which leads to an overall shorter growth and flowering time.

In addition, regular cannabis plants tend to grow taller than autoflowers, for example the Sativa-dominant species. Automatic seeds, on the other hand, tend to stay smaller and more compact. This makes them ideal for growers who have limited space or want to grow discreetly and inconspicuously.

As already mentioned, automatic seeds have a shorter cultivation time due to automatic flowering. In most cases, they take between 8 and 12 weeks from seed to harvest, whereas regular seeds can take longer depending on the strain and growing conditions.

Normally, cannabis seeds require careful control of light conditions to manage the transition to the flowering phase. This means you need a timer or have to set the lighting manually.This is not necessary with automatic seeds, as they flower independently of the light duration.This saves you time and effort.

Although automatic seeds tend to have a lower yield as the plants are smaller, automatic varieties can still produce high-yielding harvests, especially if you pay attention to the optimal growing conditions.In addition, most autoflowers are perfect for using grow techniques such as ScrOG to maximize your yields.

Autoflowers vs. regulare Hanfsamen

The advantages of using Automatic Seeds?

The use of Automatic Seeds offers a variety of advantages for growing cannabis. These advantages make the seeds a popular choice for both novice and experienced growers.

The first advantage is the robust genetics of autoflowers. Autoflower plants are forgiving of many rookie mistakes and are hardy, making them less susceptible to pests and other cannabis diseases. Unlike some other varieties, they can therefore cope with neglect.

Automatic seeds are also easier to grow and require less monitoring. They are ideal for beginners or people who have little experience in growing hemp. As the plants flower automatically, you don’t need to monitor the light conditions or control the light cycle.

Automatic seeds have a shorter growing and flowering time compared to regular seeds. They can usually be harvested within 8 to 12 weeks after germination. This shortens your waiting time for the harvest.

Due to their compactness, automatic seeds are well suited for discreet cultivation. They tend to stay smaller, which is particularly advantageous if you are growing in confined spaces or want to grow inconspicuously. If you want to be even more discreet, we recommend growing in one of our Bonsanto grow boxes. Our boxes in a suitcase design are particularly suitable for discreet indoor growing. These are available in sizes M, L and XL. If you prefer to grow outdoors, take a look at our Bonsanto Growbox XS or Bonsanto Outdoor Growbox. If you have a Bonsanto Growbox, we would still recommend using feminized seeds instead of automatic seeds, as you can achieve a higher yield.

Autoflowers also have the advantage that they can be grown all year round and at any time of year, as their growth is not dependent on the duration of light. This means you are more flexible with automatic seeds and can grow both indoors and outdoors all year round. This flexibility allows you to achieve multiple harvests per year.

Automatic seeds are often developed by experienced breeders to ensure high stability of the genetics. This means that the plants will give you consistent results in terms of growth, flowering time and yield. There is also a wide selection of high-quality automatic strains on the market, so there is something for almost every grower!

Vorteile Automatic Seeds

Automatic seed varieties for your grow

There are various automatic seeds that are suitable for growing at home. Which variety is best for you depends on your preferences and growing conditions. Autoflowering plants with a higher indica content develop only a few shoots, so you don’t have to cut back as much during cultivation. Autoflowers with a higher sativa content, on the other hand, produce more shoots and are suitable for the ScrOG method. You should always bear in mind that the availability of certain strains can vary depending on the region. Here are four automatic seed strains that may be of interest to you:

Northern Lights Automatic: This strain is an autoflowering version of the classic Northern Lights and is characterized by a strong indica effect, a short flowering time of around 9-10 weeks and a high resin production.

Amnesia Haze Automatic: An autoflowering version of the legendary Amnesia Haze strain. It offers a strong sativa high, has a flowering time of around 10-11 weeks and is characterized by its lemony taste and intense aroma.

Blueberry Automatic: This strain offers you a sweet and fruity taste of the original Blueberry strain in an autoflowering version. It has a short flowering time of around 8-9 weeks and produces a relaxing indica effect.

Girl Scout Cookies Automatic: An autoflowering version of the popular Girl Scout Cookies strain. It is characterized by its sweet aroma, high THC content and a flowering time of around 9-10 weeks.

Verschiedene Sorten von Autoflowers

Ideal growing conditions for Automatic Seeds?

The ideal growing environment for your autoflower plant depends primarily on your chosen strain and your desired results. Therefore, always find out about the specific conditions of your seeds in advance.


Basically, it can be said that although automatic seeds start to flower automatically, they still need sufficient light to grow healthily. Since autoflowers do not respond to light when it comes to flowering, you can choose how long you want to leave the light on. To ensure your plant gets enough light, we recommend around 18-24 hours of light per day. For indoor growing, you should purchase a high-quality LED plant lamp.


The ideal temperature for automatic seeds is usually between 20 and 28 degrees Celsius during the day and between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius at night. It is important that you try to avoid extreme temperature fluctuations, as this can affect the growth of your plant. As with any other cannabis strain, good ventilation and air circulation is important to reduce the risk of mold growth.


Since automatic seeds have a fast life cycle, they may need to be watered more frequently than other cannabis strains. However, they require smaller amounts of water than photoperiod strains as they have a smaller root system. So always make sure that the soil is neither too dry nor too moist. You should avoid overwatering and underwatering your autoflower. If you are more interested in the topic of correct watering, take a look at our blog post “Watering cannabis – everything you need to know”.


The ideal humidity varies depending on the stage of development of your plants. During the vegetative phase, the humidity should be between 50 and 70 percent. In the flowering phase, the humidity can be lowered to 40-50 percent to reduce the risk of mold growth. Use a hygrometer to monitor the humidity and make sure your plants are getting enough ventilation. If you grow in a Bonsanto grow box, you can do without a hygrometer! The Bonsanto Grow components are all designed to work together to create an ideal growing environment and eliminate the need for measuring devices.


You can also support the growth of your autoflowers with nutrients. Choose a fertilizer that has been specially developed for growing cannabis and always follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage first and foremost. If you are still looking for a fertilizer for your automatic seeds, you can find the “Organic Boost” fertilizer in our store. Note that autoflowers require less nutrients than photoperiod varieties due to their size. We recommend using half the manufacturer’s recommended dosage for autoflowers and always checking how your plant reacts to the fertilizer.

Grow Medium

Automatic seeds can be grown in different grow media. Popular growing media for autoflowers include soil, coco fiber or hydroponics.

Anbaubedingungen Automatic Seeds

Automatic Seeds Indoor

If you want to grow your autoflower indoors, there are a few growing conditions you should pay attention to.

Make sure you have a suitable space that is suitable for growing cannabis. Choose a room with sufficient ventilation to ensure air circulation. However, it is best to get a grow box for indoor growing, as this is the best way to control the growing conditions and create a good environment for your plant to grow.

LED lamps are the best choice for lighting your autoflower plant. LED lamps are efficient, cost-effective and emit less heat than other lamps, which protects your plant from burns.

Good ventilation is also crucial for indoor growing to control temperature and humidity. Get a fan and an activated carbon filter to provide fresh air and reduce odors. Alternatively, you can also purchase a Bonsanto grow box complete set. This already includes an activated charcoal filter and a fan.

Automatic Seeds Outdoor

When growing Automatic Seeds outdoors, here are some important growing conditions to consider.

If you want to grow outdoors, you should choose a strain that is suitable for the climate in your region. Automatic seeds are generally hardy and can be grown in different climates. However, be aware of the specific temperature and humidity requirements of your chosen strain. It is best if the climate is mild and there is sufficient sunlight.

Choose a sunny location to grow your cannabis plant. Plants need at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day to grow healthily. Make sure your location is protected from strong winds and offers good ventilation.

Even though automatic seeds are robust, you should take care to protect your plants from pests such as snails, insects and rodents when growing outdoors. You can use natural pesticides for this purpose, for example. Regular inspections help you to identify and treat problems and pests at an early stage.

Tips for selecting high-quality automatic seeds

When selecting high-quality automatic seeds for cultivation, it is important that you pay attention to certain factors. Here are some tips to help you distinguish good seeds from bad ones.

We recommend that you always buy automatic seeds from reputable and trustworthy seed banks. It is best to do your research in advance to get information about the reliability, reputation and customer reviews of the seed banks.

Look for stable genetics and high quality seeds. High-quality automatic seeds should have reliable and consistent genetic characteristics. Therefore, read through the product descriptions and look for information on strain stability, potency, yield and other characteristics that are important to you.

To get fresh seeds with a high germination rate, you can check the production and sales data of the seeds. Information about storage can also show you whether the seeds are fresh, as incorrect storage can affect the quality of the seeds.

Also look for recommendations and reviews from other growers. Forums, online communities and social media in particular can be good sources of feedback and experience.

Check whether the seed bank offers additional services such as discretion in shipping, guarantees for germination or replacement in the event of problems. These factors can influence your purchase decision and offer you additional security.

So erkennst du hochwertige Automatic Seeds

Step-by-step guide to growing automatic seeds

Here we explain step-by-step how you should proceed when growing Automatic Seeds. If you are growing in one of our Bonsanto grow boxes, please refer to our growing instructions on our website. You can find them here.

Step 1: Preparing the grow

Choose a suitable growing location, either indoor or outdoor, depending on your preferences and capabilities.

Set up your grow location. Make sure you have the necessary grow accessories such as lighting, ventilation, pots/containers, soil or growing medium ready.

Clean and sterilize the grow space to minimize the risk of pests or diseases.

Step 2: Germinating the automatic seeds

Place your selected automatic seeds in a glass of water, a damp paper towel or directly in the grow medium to initiate the germination process. You can find more information on germination in the article “Germinating cannabis seeds”.

After a few days, the seeds should germinate and form roots.

Step 3: Grow medium

Once the seeds have germinated and roots have developed, the seeds can be transplanted into larger pots or containers with good drainage. If you have germinated the seeds directly in the medium, you can skip this step.

Use high-quality soil such as Bonsanto’s premium soil or a suitable growing medium that is rich in nutrients.

Step 4: Caring for your autoflower

Make sure your plants get enough light. For indoor growing, you should use suitable lighting such as an LED lamp. For outdoor growing, make sure that the plants receive enough sunlight.

Water your plants regularly and keep the soil moist, but not too wet. Make sure you don’t water too much to avoid waterlogging.

Step 5: Harvesting and drying the autoflower plants

As with regular cannabis plants, check the trichomes (resinous glands on the flowers) regularly to determine the optimum harvest time. The trichomes should be milky or amber in color when the plant is ready for harvest.

After harvesting, hang the plants upside down in a cool, dark and well-ventilated place to dry.

Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung Autoflowers

ScrOG for the cultivation of Automatic Seeds

The SCROG method, also known as Screen of Green, is a popular technique that can be used for both photoperiod and autoflower seeds. It allows for maximum utilization of space and optimal light distribution to increase yield and bud quality. Simply install a mesh or ScrOG grid over the plants to create a horizontal plane on which the shoots can be supported. Then weave the shoots through the mesh or netting to achieve an even surface and distribution.

Automatic Seeds at a glance

  • Automatic seeds go into the flowering phase on their own and are characterized by an easy grow
  • Autoflowers are known for their compact size and short life cycle
  • They have robust genetics and can be grown all year round
  • Which autoflower strain is best for you depends on your preferences and growing conditions
  • The plants require sufficient light, but smaller amounts of water and fertilizer compared to regular cannabis strains
  • Buy automatic seeds from trusted seed banks and use reviews and grow forums as a guide
Automatic Seeds