Autoflower Seeds: Advantages & the optimal growing environment

The cultivation of autoflower seeds is becoming increasingly popular among both experienced and novice growers. But why is that? It’s simple: Autoflowering plants begin to flower automatically without the need for manual intervention to trigger the flowering phase.

In this blog post, we will explain the numerous benefits of automatic seeds and provide valuable tips for a successful autoflower grow

Our Bonsanto Premium Soil and our Bonsanto grow boxes are perfect for growing Automatic Seeds and are a first-class choice. When growing Automatic Seeds in a Bonsanto grow box, orient yourself first and foremost by our growing guide.

Table of contents

What are Autoflower Seeds?

Autoflower seeds, also known as automatic seeds or self-flowering seeds, are cannabis seeds that follow an automatic flowering cycle. Unlike other cannabis seeds, autoflower seeds begin to flower independently of the light cycle. This makes them a preferred choice for beginner growers, as they allow for an easier cultivation process.

The automatic flowering of these seeds is achieved through the genetic crossing of Cannabis ruderalis, a wild and self-flowering cannabis variety, with Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica. This combination allows growers to enjoy the self-flowering traits along with other desirable characteristics such as flavor and resin production.

Difference Between Autoflower Seeds and Feminized Seeds

Autoflower seeds and feminized seeds are two different types of cannabis seeds. As mentioned, autoflower seeds are self-flowering and transition into the flowering phase automatically, without needing light cycle adjustments. The cultivation of autoflower seeds is particularly popular among beginners, as it simplifies the growing process and requires less attention to the light cycle. Additionally, autoflower plants typically have shorter grow times since they naturally flower and mature more quickly. However, their yields may be slightly lower compared to feminized seeds.

Feminized seeds, on the other hand, are specifically bred to produce female plants, which are responsible for flower and bud production. By eliminating male plants, growers can ensure their harvest is free from unwanted pollination. Feminized seeds require careful control of the light cycle, as they typically need a switch from the vegetative to the flowering phase. Compared to autoflower seeds, feminized seeds often produce higher yields.

You can also find feminized autoflower seeds on the market. By combining feminized genetics with autoflowering traits, growers get feminized autoflower seeds, which offer the benefits of female plants along with the automatic flowering cycle. These seeds allow you to grow female plants while enjoying the ease of cultivation and fast lifecycle that autoflowering plants provide.

Feminisierte und Automatic Seeds
Automatic Seeds und feminisierte Samen

Advantages of Automatic Seeds?

Autoflower seeds offer many advantages for cannabis cultivation, making them popular among both beginner and experienced growers. Their robust genetics make them resistant to common beginner mistakes, pests, and diseases. They are easy to grow and require less monitoring, as they automatically begin flowering without the need for controlling or adjusting light conditions.

Another key benefit of autoflower seeds is their shorter growth and flowering cycle compared to regular seeds. Harvest can typically be done within 8 to 12 weeks after germination, significantly reducing the waiting time. Additionally, due to their compact size, autoflower plants are ideal for discreet growing, especially in small or limited spaces. For indoor grow of Autoflowers we recommend you our Bonsanto Growboxen im Koffer-Design. For outdoor growing you can use our Bonsanto Grow box XS or Outdoor Growbox .

Vorteile von Automatic Seeds

Ideal growing conditions for Automatic Seeds?

he ideal growing environment for your autoflower plants primarily depends on the chosen strain and your desired outcomes. Therefore, it’s crucial to research the specific requirements of your seeds in advance.

Lighting: Although autoflower seeds automatically transition to the flowering phase, they still need adequate light for healthy growth. A lighting duration of about 18-24 hours per day is generally recommended. For indoor growing, a high-quality LED grow light is advisable.

Temperature: The ideal temperature for autoflower seeds typically ranges between 20 to 28 degrees Celsius during the day and 18 to 24 degrees Celsius at night. It’s essential to avoid extreme temperature fluctuations, as this can adversely affect plant growth. Good ventilation and air circulation are also important to reduce the risk of mold.

Watering: Compared to photoperiod strains, autoflowers require less water due to their smaller root systems. Ensure that the soil is neither too dry nor too wet, and avoid over- or under-watering.

Humidity: Ideal humidity levels vary depending on the plants’ growth stage. During the vegetative phase, humidity should be between 50-70 percent. In the flowering phase, it can be lowered to 40-50 percent to minimize the risk of mold. It’s advisable to monitor humidity with a hygrometer, and adequate ventilation is crucial. In a Bonsanto grow box, a hygrometer may not be necessary, as all components are optimally coordinated.

Nutrients: You can further support the growth of your autoflowers with nutrients. Choose a fertilizer specifically designed for cannabis cultivation and follow the manufacturer’s recommended dosage. Keep in mind that autoflowers require fewer nutrients due to their size compared to photoperiod strains. Therefore, use about half of the recommended dosage and monitor your plants’ response to the fertilizer.

Growing Medium: Autoflower seeds can be cultivated in various growing media. Popular options for autoflowers include soil, coconut coir, or hydroponics. Our Bonsanto Premium Soil is particularly well-suited for automatic seeds.

SCROG and Autoflower Seeds

The SCROG method, also known as Screen of Green, is a popular cultivation technique that can be applied to both photoperiod and autoflower seeds. Its main goal is to optimize the available space and achieve even light distribution to maximize both yield and bud quality.

To implement this method, a net or SCROG screen is installed over the plants to create a horizontal plane for supporting the shoots. The shoots are then woven through the grid or net, creating a uniform surface and distributing the plant parts evenly. This controls the plant’s growth and allows for efficient light utilization.

The SCROG method can yield impressive results by ensuring improved light exposure for all plant parts and promoting even development of the buds. While it is particularly beneficial for photoperiod plants, autoflower plants can also thrive under this technique, provided their specific growth needs are met. By using SCROG with autoflowers, growers can enhance light penetration and maximize the overall harvest potential.

Automatic Seeds Vorteile und optimale Growumgebung