Lieber Bonsanto Community, entschuldige, dass wir in letzter Zeit nicht mehr so aktiv waren, um euch auf dem Laufenden zu halten. In den letzten 5 Monaten hat sich jedoch viel bei uns getan! Wir freuen uns, euch unseren neuen Feuchtigkeitssensor für eure Bonsanto Erde vorstellen zu können. Mit diesem praktischen Helfer weißt du immer ganz […]
CO2 Cannabis Grow in der Growbox
Do you want to increase your yields but don’t know how? A good method to achieve a successful harvest is CO2 fertilization. Cannabis plants need CO2 to live. A high CO2 level in the air can accelerate the growth of your plant and lead to a high-yielding harvest. You can find out why CO2 is […]
To survive, we humans need oxygen, plants need CO2. CO2 is a colourless gas that is naturally present in the air. So if you grow indoors or in a grow box, you need to provide fresh air and an adequate supply of CO2 for your favourite plant to grow healthily. A CO2 generator grow can […]
The legalization of cannabis is within reach. Last summer, a draft law for the legalization of cannabis was presented in Luxembourg. Are you also curious about what legalization will look like in the future? In this blog post, we explain to you (as of the beginning of March 2023) what the current legal situation regarding […]
The legal situation surrounding cannabis cultivation in Switzerland has changed a lot recently. While it used to be illegal, the cultivation of cannabis for both medicinal and recreational purposes is now (as of 2023) legal under certain conditions. In this blog post, we explain the current legal situation regarding cannabis cultivation in Switzerland and whether […]
In Germany, the cultivation of cannabis has attracted a lot of attention in recent years, especially due to discussions about possible legalization in the near future. If you are interested in growing hemp, a beginner grower or already an experienced grower, you have come to the right place. In this blog, we will deal with […]
To achieve the perfect indoor grow, you need the right cannabis cultivation accessories in addition to a grow box or grow tent. Without the right accessories, your harvest is very likely to be poor. We will explain below which accessories you should buy. You can buy suitable grow accessories for the Bonsanto mini grow boxes […]
You don’t have much space in your home, but you do have a balcony? Would you like to enjoy the benefits of growing outdoors, but don’t have a garden? Or would you like to grow inexpensively without a lot of equipment? Then a balcony cannabis grow could be just the thing for you! Balcony growing […]
One of the most important aspects of indoor growing is the right lighting. Plants need light to grow, and outdoors, they get it from sunlight. Indoors, however, sunlight must be simulated using lamps. In this guide, we’ll explain how to do that effectively and what you should look for when choosing grow lights. If you […]
If you want to grow your cannabis plant indoors, for example in a Bonsanto Mini Growbox, your plant will not be supplied with sunlight as it would be outdoors. Therefore, you need to imitate sunlight with the help of a lamp. The topic of “cannabis cultivation light” and the right lighting are crucial for the […]
For a successful indoor grow, you need the best grow Box. Grow Boxes come in various sizes and shapes, differing in material, features, and quality. In the following guide, we’ll explain how to find the best grow box for your needs and what to look for when making a purchase. Table of contents Best Grow […]
You can grow hemp not only outdoors, but also within your own four walls. Cannabis is a resilient plant. It can grow outdoors, in a grow room, in your room or on your windowsill. Below you can find out how to grow hemp indoors, where you can grow hemp in your room and what factors […]